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healthy foods for kids
Best Tooth Healthy Foods for Kids

Many parents, especially first-time ones, always look out for their toddler’s health. You are consistently working to ensure they get enough sleep, plenty of exercise, and a well-balanced diet. However, you might forget about the child’s dental health. Certain foods and drinks are good for your child’s teeth. Similarly, others are very damaging to their…

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Endodontist visit
Signs You Need to Visit an Endodontist

Patients need to know a few things about the inner layers of their teeth. The information helps to understand dental health. It could also help you identify signs you need to visit an endodontist. For starters, the enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth, and its role is to protect them. The next layer…

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Caring for teeth during winter
Tips For Caring For Teeth During Winter

Most people associate the winter months with snow, Christmas, and thanksgiving. There is a lot of holiday spirit, and you will find yourself on a holiday-like venture where you break your diet and eat a little more. This is all part of the holiday vibe, so don’t be hard on yourself; you should enjoy it.…

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All You Need to Know About Gum Contouring

Every gum is unique. If you take a moment to look at your gum, you will notice distinct bulges and ridges. However, these bulges and bumps can appear more pronounced, affecting the appearance of your smile. In addition, if your gum tissue is too low or high, you might feel self-conscious about your teeth. Gum…

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brushing your teeth
Stop Doing These Things When Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is the first line of defense to maintaining your oral health. Brushing helps remove plaque and bacteria from your mouth, leading to tooth decay and other infections. However, not many people know how to brush right. If you get off your brushing routine for too long, you can say goodbye to the…

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