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Restore my Enamel
Can I Restore My Enamel? The Real Answer

Enamel is the thin outer layer that covers your teeth. It is responsible for your dazzling smile. Additionally, it is what makes the teeth strong. This is because enamel is the hardest substance in the body. Enamel is majorly made of minerals, making it stronger than your bones. However, this is not to say that…

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Prevent Cavities
Top 12 Dental Health Tips to Help You Prevent Cavities

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, may cost you pain and deny you a healthy smile. Tooth decay can affect anyone, including toddlers. Regular intake of soft drinks, unhealthy eating habits, and poor oral hygiene will bring tooth decay by causing plaque and bacteria to pile up. The best thing is that you can protect…

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Oral Health
Does Food Affect My Oral Health? Yes, It Does!

Most people eat and drink only thinking about their weight and general body health. It is rare to find yourself thinking about your oral health in relation to what you eat. However, it is an integral part of choosing healthy diets that will promote the body’s overall wellness. What you eat directly affects your teeth,…

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Dental Implants
Dental Implants – Inlays and Onlays

Inlay and Onlay are part of dental implants. Patients with dental decay and cavities are conventionally advised to get a crown or cover-up. However, there are alternatives like dental Inlays and Onlays which offer promising solutions to persisting dental issues. Crowns are used when there is a considerable fracture that needs to be covered up,…

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Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth Sensitivity In Children: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

When you think about tooth sensitivity, it is unlikely that you will think about our child in relation. But it’s normal to only think about adults when tooth sensitivity comes up. This is why many parents are shocked when their kids complain about tooth sensitivity. If you cannot bear the discomfort of tooth sensitivity, imagine…

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Dentist in Chino
Do I Need Professional Dental Care?

Professional dental care is one of those things you will come across as an adult. Perhaps you had regular visits to the dentist when you were younger but barely any as an adult. Many avoid regular professional dental services because they deem them unnecessary, adopting the ‘only go when you’re sick’ attitude. Other reasons many…

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