Endodontic Surgery

An endodontist typically recommends surgery for a nonsurgical root canal procedure that cannot save your tooth. Endodontic surgery and a step-by-step explanation of the most common surgical procedure, an apicoectomy. Endodontic surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to save a tooth that could not be saved by using root canal therapy or to fix any problems associated with undergoing a root canal. If you recently had a root canal performed to save one of your teeth and it did not work, even though root canals work to save teeth most of the time, they are not always a success. An experienced endodontist finds out whether or not endodontic surgery will save the tooth. To fix any problem associated with undergoing a root canal, Endodontic surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to save a tooth that could not be saved by using root canal therapy.

Different types of endodontic surgical procedures

1) Apicoectomy

This type of surgery is performed when a dental patient is experiencing inflammation or an infection in or near the bony area located near the roots of a tooth after undergoing root canal therapy. An endodontist will make a small incision in the gum tissue to remove inflammation or infection. An apicoectomy is also known as a root-end resection and is the most common type of endodontic surgery.

2) Remove the calcium deposit

This removal is necessary so that the root canal can be finished, which includes cleaning the area and then sealing the canal, it means saving the tooth. When calcium deposits make it difficult for a dental professional to use their instruments to perform a root canal, endodontic surgery is required to remove the calcium deposits.

3) Examine the roots of a tooth

Endodontic surgery is the next step when a dental patient is continuously experiencing any type of oral pain, yet nothing on their X-rays shows what could be causing the pain. That there is a tiny fracture in the tooth or in the canal that is not visible in the X-ray, then requires an endodontist to make a small incision to fully examine the tooth. They will provide the necessary treatment, once they find the problem.

Endodontic Surgery Procedure

Before undergoing any type of endodontic surgery, your chosen endodontist will first discuss with you everything that will happen during the surgical procedure so you know exactly what to expect. Many advanced dental technologies that are in place today allow dental surgical procedures to be quicker, more comfortable, and more successful than ever. Although undergoing a surgical procedure to save your teeth is not ideal, it is sometimes necessary. Endodontic surgery is necessary if you have persistent symptoms, but no problems appear on your X-ray, your tooth may have a tiny fracture or canal that could not be detected during non-surgical treatment. In such a case, surgery allows your endodontic to examine the entire root of your tooth, find the problem and provide treatment. Instruments used in non-surgical root canal treatment to reach the end of the root, calcium deposits make the canal too narrow. If this calcification of your tooth occurs, the endodontist may perform endodontic surgery to clean the seal of the remainder of the canal. It has never needed further endodontic treatment, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can last the rest of your life. We have seen that a tooth may not heal or become infected in a few cases. Even years after successful treatment, a tooth may become painful or diseased in months. Surgery may help and save your tooth if this is true for you. Surgery may also be performed to treat damaged root surfaces or surrounding bone.

Apicoectomy or Root-End Resection

The most common surgical procedure is called apicoectomy or root-end resection, which can be performed to save a tooth. After a root canal procedure, when inflammation or infection persists in the bony area around the end of your tooth, your endodontist may have to perform an apicoectomy. The endodontist opens the gum tissue near the tooth to see the underlying bone and remove infected tissue or inflamed tissue. At the very end, the root is also removed. A few stitches or sutures are placed in the gingiva to help the tissue heal properly; a small filling may be in the root to seal the end of the root canal. Bone heals around the end of the root, over one month. Your endodontist will be happy to discuss the specific type of surgery your tooth requires like some other surgeries include dividing a tooth in half, repairing an injured root, or even moving one or more roots.

Procedural differences for Endodontic Surgery

Other surgeries endodontists might perform include dividing a tooth in half, repairing an injured root, or even removing one or more roots. Your endodontist will be happy to discuss the specific type of surgery your tooth requires. One procedure is called intentional replantation, in this procedure, a tooth is extracted and treated with an endodontic procedure while it is out of the mouth and then reply with ce the socket. It is designed to help you and save your tooth.

You may feel some discomfort or experience some swelling while the incision heals; this is normal for any surgical procedure, and the local anesthetics make the procedure comfortable. Your endodontist can recommend pain medicine to relieve your discomfort.

Your endodontist will be happy to discuss your expected recovery time, most of the patients return to work or other routine activities the next day.

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