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Wisdom Tooth
Considerations For Wisdom Tooth Removal

The third molars (the innermost teeth on each side at the top and bottom) are called “wisdom teeth”. The term is thought to have been used as the teeth appear between 17 and 25 years when a person enters adulthood and is “wiser.” The removal of wisdom teeth can have a substantial impact on the…

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Tooth Sensitivity
10 Best Ways to Treat Teeth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental condition, but it doesn’t have to become a big problem. According to the American Dental Association, one in four Americans suffer from some degree of tooth sensitivity. There are several ways to find relief if you have sensitive teeth and experience discomfort from eating cold foods or drinking hot…

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Does Alcohol affect implants
Does Alcohol Affect Dental Implants?

Following a dental implant procedure, it is best to refrain from excessive alcohol consumption. Consuming too much alcohol can greatly affect your health. This includes putting your dental implant at risk of avascular necrosis (AVN). Abstaining gives your dental implant time to recover after a surgical procedure. Also, your dental implant should not be affected…

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are dental implants safe for kids
Are Dental Implants Safe for Kids?

Are you trying to find a solution for your child’s missing tooth? You may consider getting them a tooth implant to solve the problem. We all know that accidents happen all the time, especially with kids. All the energy and playfulness can lead to a tooth getting chipped or, worse, knocked out. Dental implants are…

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probiotics and oral health
Probiotics And Oral Health

Are you having problems with bad breath or inflamed gums? Probiotics are a nice solution to solving some of the oral issues that you might be experiencing. There are millions of microbes living in your body, including your mouth. Some of these microbes include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. However, not all these microorganisms are there…

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teeth whitening vs veneers
Teeth Whitening Vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which Is Best for You?

Teeth staining is a common phenomenon for many people. Though stained teeth are not a dental issue unless you have an underlying oral condition, it poses an aesthetic problem for some people. Getting some color back to your teeth is mainly a cosmetic dental procedure. Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are some common methods of…

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