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The Importance Of Replacing Lost Teeth

Did you know that over 120 million people in the US do not have at least one tooth? Shocking, isn’t it? Actually, it is pretty common for adults to lose their teeth. Experts estimate that by age 50, you could lose an average of 12 teeth. It can occur due to injury, poor dental health,…

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Contouring And Reshaping Teeth

Tooth reshaping and contouring or dental reshaping is a cosmetic dentistry process. A professional dentist removes tiny amounts of tooth enamel to change the tooth’s shape, length, and surfaces. A dentist performs the procedure to correct minor flaws on teeth, including chipping, cracking, and overlapping. On some occasions, this procedure can substitute for getting braces.…

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Abscessed Tooth dentist
What You Need To Know About An Abscessed Tooth

If you have been to the dentist a few times, you may have heard the term ‘abscessed tooth’ thrown in the air once or twice. While you may have never experienced an abscessed tooth, it is a pretty common dental issue. Unfortunately, it comes with a lot of pain. Additionally, you may be susceptible to…

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Tongue Diseases You Could Develop

The tongue is one of the organs people ignore. Yet it does so many important things such as tasting and eating food. It is also useful when forming words in speech. With these many functions, tongue health should be a priority. A healthy tongue is pink, moist, and has a thin white coating on the…

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Sinus Pressure Vs. Toothaches

When you experience pain in your mouth, it can be challenging to determine if you have a dental problem or are experiencing sinus pressure. Learning the difference should help you with the next steps. The information below will cover the basics of toothaches and sinus pressure. It will also outline the key differences to help…

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