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The first time getting dentures can feel like your lips are being pushed forward and that your teeth are too big. Within the first few days, this will subside. During the first two weeks, the best way to get used to your dentures is to keep them in your mouth progressively longer each day. The…

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Dental Health and Hormones: Vital Information For Women

Your mood, sex drive, and even weight are often at the mercy of your hormones if you are a woman. Hormonal changes can have adverse effects on the body, and these aspects are barely the surface of how far hormones can reach. Did you know that your hormones can also affect your dental health? Most…

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Everything You Need To Know About Space Maintainers

Maybe you had space maintainers when you were little and did not know why. Or your dentist might have recommended them for your child after losing their baby teeth too early. This article will answer a few questions about space maintainers and why they are necessary for your child. What Is A Space Maintainer? As…

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Possible Causes Of Jaw Pain

Do you ever experience sudden numbing pain from your jaw that spreads to other parts of the face? Don’t worry; it happens to more people than you would think. Jaw pain is a recurring issue in most people, and it often spreads to other parts of the face, making it hard to pinpoint at times.…

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What Causes Overbite and Underbites?

When your practitioner recommends braces, you may immediately think they are to fill in the gaps between the teeth and fix crooked-facing teeth. You are correct because straightening your teeth is the primary function of braces. But you may not know that your orthodontist is also concerned about your bite, which the braces will correct.…

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