To replace lost teeth, you can either get a dental bridge or you can rely on dental implants. Do you know the benefits and disadvantages of each option? One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is that they protect the other teeth. In the case of a dental bridge, the natural teeth have to perform the function of support. The implant is not putting any strain on other teeth. Another great advantage of implants is that they can be used to replace more than one missing natural tooth. In the case of a bridge, a dentist will need healthy adjacent teeth for support. Various combinations are possible in the case of implants. The dentist can replace a single missing tooth or a denture.
Implants require little maintenance. This is one of the biggest differences between this option and dental bridges. High quality implants can last a lifetime. Dental crowns and bridges will have to be replaced every 10 to 15 years.

Do Crowns and Bridges Hurt
Our office prides itself on our patient’s experience. This is why we go above and beyond to provide pain free dental care. If you are considering implants, you should take in consideration another important advantage – implants are easier to maintain. The cleaning process is very simple and flossing between implants is possible. In addition, implants look more natural and facilitate chewing, since the dental bridge may slip. Dental bridges, on the other hand, come with a number of advantages, as well. To get a bridge, you will have to undergo a simple dental procedure that involves no surgery. In order to be placed in the mouth, dental implants require surgical intervention.
It is easier and quicker to get dental bridges. The entire procedure will visit in approximately two to three visits to your dentists. A dental bridge is recommended in the case of jaw bone loss or significant damage. The process will be simpler, less painful and less expensive in such instances. It is important to know that the positioning of dental implants demands healthy bone.
Once fixed, the bridge is very stable. It will provide for effortless chewing of food and it will feel comfortable, once you get familiar with it. Dental bridges are also a less expensive option than other dental methods for the replacement of missing teeth.
Knowing these factors will help you make an informed decision about dental implants and bridges. Each option has its advantages that need to be compared for an informed decision to be made.
Since most people will develop one or more cavities in life, the majority will need some type of dental restoration at some point. Crowns and bridges are custom-made oral appliances that improve mouth function, enhance appearance and reinforce weakened teeth.
A tooth crown will cost more than a dental filling because it covers and protects the entire structure above the gum line. Dental crowns are basically tooth-shaped caps that get cemented to a damaged tooth to safeguard and enhance what is left of the natural structure. Not only do dental crowns provide protection and build up a broken-down tooth, they can also enhance the beauty of a smile.
A bridge replaces one or more missing teeth with multiple dental crowns. Instead of capping a tooth, a bridge crown acts as a prosthetic tooth. If you have consecutive missing teeth, they can be replaced with a dental bridge consisting of several crowns. The crowns are bonded together and anchored to existing natural teeth on either side.
Our All About Smile Dental Group team consider every patient a member of our family. We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you, listen to your concerns, and find a simple and effective solution. If you are interested in improving your oral health.