Should I Correct My Diastema?

Having gaps between your teeth is not something to worry about. Diastema is pretty common in children and adults. But for some people having gappy teeth does seem like a bother. You might not like how your teeth look or how easily food gets stuck between your teeth.

In this article, we will find out what diastema is and some treatment options for managing the dental condition.

What Is Diastema?

A diastema is a gap in your teeth. This gap can form anywhere in your mouth, leaving a space between your teeth. However, the most noticeable teeth spacing happens between the two upper front teeth.

Not all diastema cases are visible. The gaps between your teeth can be so negligible that you might not realize that you have the condition. In other cases, you might have larger spacing between your teeth.

You should not be worried if your kid has diastema. If your child has gaps between their teeth, they often fill up after adult teeth erupt.

It is vital to note that diastema is not harmful to the patient. But it does help to know if any underlying factors cause your condition. If you are worried about your diastema, book an appointment with your dentist.

What Causes the Gaps Between Your Teeth?


If your family members have gaps between their teeth, there is a likelihood that you will also develop them.

Genetics plays a crucial role in your development, including the size of your jaws, teeth, and gums. Family traits can easily be passed down to your kids, contributing to the likelihood of developing diastema.

Teeth Size Concerning The Jaw

If you have a bigger jaw relative to the size of your teeth, you might notice that the gaps between your teeth are larger than others.

As mentioned before, jaw and teeth sizes are caused mainly by genetic factors.


Gum disease or periodontitis is also another likely culprit of developing diastema.

Gum disease is caused by an infection that can lead to severe oral problems. Gum infections can cause bleeding gums, inflammation, and jaw damage. As inflammation and swelling worsen, your teeth migrate due to the pressure and damage to the root.

Eventually, the tooth migration can lead to an increase in gap size. You might also notice your teeth coming loose and falling out in severe circumstances.

If you think you might be suffering from gum disease, schedule an appointment with your teeth doctor as soon as possible. Gum infections lead to oral issues and can affect your overall health.

Missing Teeth or Underdeveloped Teeth

Teeth development is crucial in how your teeth erupt, size, and spacing in the mouth. If your teeth development is impaired, it might lead to undersized teeth or even missing teeth.

Overdeveloped Lip Brace

A lip brace is also known as the labial frenum. The two lip tissues extend from the inside of your upper and lower lip to the gum, right above your front teeth.

In some cases, if you have an overdeveloped lip brace, it can take up too much space on your gum. When this happens, your teeth can be directly affected, causing them to shift and develop diastema.

Oral Habits

We have all been told that some oral habits can affect our teeth. So, it should not surprise you if you discover that these habits might cause teeth gapping.

Tongue thrusting, lip sucking, and thumb sucking put pressure on the front of your teeth. After a while, your teeth tend to push forward, leading to the larger spacing between them.

What Are the Symptoms of Diastema?

The most typical sign of diastema is the visible gap between your teeth. However, if your diastema is caused by gum disease, you might notice other symptoms resulting from the infection. These symptoms include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums
  • Redness and tenderness of the gums
  • Receding gums
  • Gum pains and discomfort
  • Loose teeth

Is Diastema a Medical Problem?

Although diastema does sound like a severe dental issue, the condition is harmless. The gaps between your teeth do not cause dental or overall health problems. In most cases, diastemas are a cosmetic concern.

However, as we stated before, severe teeth spacing can result from other factors like gum disease. Without proper management and treatment, you might have oral issues like tooth decay, gum infections, and jaw pains. In such cases, it is essential to consult your orthodontist on the best corrective procedures to help manage diastema.

So, if you are considering diastema therapy, here are some treatment options to help you get your smile back.

Is Diastema Treatable?

There are various ways to treat a diastema, and the best one depends on the cause of it. It is essential to know that treating diastema is not all for cosmetic reasons.


Using braces is one of the most common ways to treat diastema. The braces can close any gaps between the teeth and fix crooked teeth.


Invisalign devices are also great for fixing any gaps between the teeth. Keeping the device in for a long time may be necessary to ensure the teeth are set.

Dental Veneers or Bonding

Dental veneers and bonding are an alternative to using braces and Invisalign devices. Veneers and bonding are ideal when correcting smaller gaps between the teeth.

Dental Implants or Dental Bridges

If you have missing teeth, getting a dental implant or bridge is an ideal way to treat your diastema. The dentist inserts replacement or false teeth to close the gap during the procedure.

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery is also safe to manage your diastema for oversized lip braces. Extra tissue is taken out of the labial frenum, reducing pressure on your teeth. However, you might have to wear braces after the procedure until your teeth are set.

Gum Disease Treatment

If you are suffering from gum disease, the first thing to be done is to stop the infection and prevent complications.

Treatment might include removing damaged tissue and scaling out bacteria from your mouth.

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