10 Ways to Naturally Strengthen Teeth

Your teeth are a source of pride. However, they can become weak and fall out without proper care. Strengthening teeth naturally helps prevent cavities, toothaches, and gum disease. Strong teeth result from a healthy lifestyle, a good diet, brushing and flossing regularly, and regular dental visits. Observing good oral hygiene also saves you from expensive dental procedures.

Here is how you can strengthen your teeth naturally.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum helps strengthen teeth as it stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids on the tooth surface. The leading cause of tooth decay is plaque, a sticky film that forms on your teeth when you eat or drink foods containing sugars and starches. Saliva acts as a natural cleaning agent, removing food particles and plaque from the surface of your teeth before they stick to your teeth.


Probiotics are live bacteria that keep your gut healthy. They also reduce inflammation and fight harmful bacteria. Studies show that probiotics help protect you from cavities and gum disease by reducing plaque formation and strengthening enamel.

A 2008 study in the “Journal of Dental Research” found that children who drank milk containing probiotics had fewer cavities than those who drank regular milk.

To get more probiotics into your diet, eat whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, vegetables like kale, cabbage, spinach, and fruits like berries. You can also take them as supplements or add them to smoothies or juices if you don’t like the taste of yogurt or kefir.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is beneficial for oral health as it keeps your mouth moist, preventing bacteria from forming on your tongue’s surface and between your teeth. It also flushes out bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

To keep your mouth free from cavity-causing bacteria, ensure to sip water throughout the day instead of drinking only when you’re thirsty. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, add lemon slices or mint leaves.

Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Fibrous foods like apples, carrots, celery, and flaxseeds can help improve your oral health by reducing plaque build-up on your teeth. They also help maintain healthy gums by keeping them strong and removing plaque from your mouth.

Avoid Certain Foods

Sugar is a primary source of tooth decay and dental disease. It’s best to avoid sugary foods and drinks if you are prone to developing cavities or gum disease.

Foods with high acidity levels, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, may not be suitable for your teeth as they cause sensitivity. Acids hurt your tooth enamel by dissolving it over time, leading to cavities that damage the dentin underneath. Limiting acidic fruits and juices help reduce this risk. If you must have sour fruits and juices, ensure you rinse your mouth with water or milk, so no acid remains on your tongue or teeth.

You should also avoid eating hard food like popcorn kernels, nuts, and ice cubes as they damage your teeth.

Oil Pulling

It is a simple and ancient practice that helps to strengthen your teeth. The process involves swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 10- 20 minutes. It helps cleanse the teeth and gums while reducing inflammation and harmful bacteria in the mouth. It also promotes healing cavities and other oral issues like bleeding or receding gums.

Use Toothpaste That Contains Fluoride

The American Dental Association states that fluoride-containing toothpaste is a great way to strengthen teeth naturally. Use an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride strengthens the enamel on your teeth, prevents cavities, and promotes naturally healthy teeth. Floss at least once and Brush twice daily.

If you have a high risk of cavities because of diet, medical conditions, or other factors, talk with your dentist about using a prescription fluoride varnish that helps strengthen the enamel on your teeth.

Fix Your Gut

Your mouth’s health reflects your gut’s health, so you should maintain good gut health to protect your teeth from decay, gum disease, and cavities.

A leaky gut syndrome or any other digestive disorder that causes inflammation in the digestive tract can lead to tooth decay and cavities. It is because when food particles come in contact with bacteria in the mouth, they release acids that destroy tooth enamel.

Stop Grinding

Grinding your teeth wears down the enamel, which protects the tooth from decay. It also wears down the root of the tooth, which may lead to cracks and chips in your teeth.

If you grind your teeth, you should see your dentist for a mouth guard. It helps protect your teeth from further damage and stops you from grinding at night.

Eat More Calcium-Rich Foods

Eating more calcium-rich foods prevents tooth decay and helps your teeth grow more robust. Calcium is a mineral that strengthens the enamel on your teeth, making them less likely to chip or break.

Foods like sesame seeds are rich in calcium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus and have a high mineral content that helps strengthen teeth. You can also use the supplements instead if you don’t like their natural taste.

You must take a supplement if you need more calcium in your diet. Your dentist can recommend a brand that meets your nutritional needs and preferences.

Why Natural Methods?

Natural ways to strengthen teeth are becoming popular thanks to scientific research. There are several ways to enhance your teeth naturally. These remedies take two forms: Those applied directly to the teeth to cleanse and strengthen them or supplements to support oral wellness.

Oral health involves lifestyle changes, but it’s worth it, as it helps avoid dealing with extensive and expensive dental work. Natural ways are preferred as they are easy to access and apply. They make use of the common item you have in your kitchen. These measures also boost oral health without exposing your body to dangerous chemicals that might get absorbed into the bloodstream.

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