Dentures are one of the go-to solutions for people with tooth loss. Dentures are a good way to restore the appearance of missing teeth. However, they are not long-term. It is why many dental practitioners prefer implants over dentures.
If you already have dentures, you may wonder if you can replace them with implants. You will be glad to know that the short answer is yes! Many patients are replacing their dentures with implants for comfort and a wide range of benefits.
If you are thinking of doing the same, you can learn more about the procedure, benefits, and restrictions through the information below.
The Issue with Dentures
Patients who choose dentures for their missing teeth do so for various reasons. For starters, dentures have less recovery time. In addition, they are inexpensive, which is convenient for unexpected quick fixes. Some people also find dentures easy to use.
However, dentures also come with multiple challenges. Some of the shortcomings of dentures include:
- With time, they become uncomfortable.
- Some look unnatural
- They require a lot of care to prevent bad breath and other dental issues.
- Dentures can slip out of the mouth, causing embarrassing situations.
- It can be painful to take them out at the end of the day, especially if the cream is strong.
- Dentures can put stress on the jaw, causing you constant pain.
- Since dentures do not promote bone growth, they can trigger bone loss. It is why long-term denture wearers will notice changes in their face shapes.
- Wearing dentures demands caution in what you eat. Wearers are limited to certain types of food.
Many patients attribute these challenges to switching to dental implants despite the cost and recovery time.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a solution to missing teeth. While dentures sit on the gums, dental implants are fixed into the jawbone, thus securing the artificial tooth. Dental implants are a long-term solution, therefore, an ideal alternative to dentures.
Things to Consider Before Switching to Dental Implants
Before you can switch from dentures to dental implants, there are a few things worth considering. They include:
The state of your jaw.
Your jaw needs to be strong enough to support the dental implants. Remember, they are fixed into the jawbone for a permanent effect. Switching is only possible if your jaw is strong enough to hold implants.
Unfortunately, jaw weakening can happen with years of denture use. Some people lose their jawbone, and their face sinks in, making them unsuitable for implants. Consultation with a doctor should help determine if your jaw is strong enough. Additionally, ask about bone grafting to improve your eligibility for dental implants.
How long have you worn dentures?
A good rule to follow is ‘the longer you have worn dentures, the harder it might be to make the change.’ Remember that wearing dentures has consequences, and they increase with time. However, do not rule yourself out just yet. Some people have worn dentures for years and still qualify for dental implants. Consult with your practitioner.
Once your doctor considers you eligible for the switch, you will make an appointment for the procedure. Patients requiring bone grafting before the procedure must wait until the mouth is fully recovered.
The surgeon will use either a combination of local anesthesia with light sedation or general anesthesia for the procedure. The surgeon then cuts into the gums to reach the jawbone. Holes are drilled into the bone for each implant. The surgeon then pushes the implants into their corresponding positions then closes the sutures.
The implants fuse with the surrounding bone tissues for six months through osseointegration. Successful osseointegration supports the jaw, improving stability, among other advantages.
Can I Use My Old Dentures?
Are you wondering if your old dental plates can work with the new implants? In some cases, yes, and they are called overdentures. Overdentures are secured in the mouth by clipping or screening into dental implants in the jawbone.
It solves the problem of moving plus promotes a stable jawbone. However, it is important to note some concerns about going down this route.
For starters, the majority of dentures may not be able to withstand the functions of dental implants. You will still have to be careful about what you eat to preserve the material of the dentures. In addition, you will still have to take them out before bed.
With that in mind, you must clean your dentures and mouth well to prevent halitosis and other oral health-related issues.
Advantages of Replacing Dentures with Dental Implants
So, what are the benefits of making this switch?
Dental implants do not slip.
As mentioned, dental implants are permanent. By making the switch, you do not have to worry about your teeth slipping or falling out in the middle of a conversation or dinner. You can have more confidence as you eat, speak, or smile.
Less soreness
Dental implants do not pressure the gums, so you will be free of sores and pain. In addition, food does not get stuck in implants like dentures. In short, you will have a more comfortable time with dental implants.
Easy care
You can care for dental implants the same way as regular teeth. Dentures require careful and consistent maintenance, which can be tiresome, especially after a long day. With dental implants, care is part of an easy routine.
Access to all foods
Because of the permanence of dental implants, patients can eat chewy, crunchy, and hard foods comfortably without worrying about damage or slipping. Additionally, it can foster a healthier diet for better oral health.
Bone growth
Perhaps the biggest advantage of switching to dental implants is promoting bone growth. Unlike dentures, you will not have to worry about losing your jawbone. The fusion encourages growth, so your jaw stabilizes, and you keep your chin as pretty as it is!
It is worth noting, however, that getting dental implants is costlier than dentures. But considering the implants’ permanence and advantages, it is a good investment.
Final Thoughts
If your dentures are giving you trouble, consider switching to a permanent solution that fosters a confident smile. Dental implants are a beneficial solution for missing teeth. Additionally, they could solve all your denture problems. Our establishment is fully equipped to help you make the switch. So, book your appointment today to get started!