8 Things You Should Know About Dentures

Dentures or false teeth are a solution for anyone with missing teeth. Whether you lost your teeth to dental diseases, old age, or accidents, dentures will restore your smile to its former glory. Dentures will also help you talk, eat and drink freely.

These inexpensive options are suitable for almost everyone. You can get partial or complete dentures, depending on your situation. Whichever your dentist advises, dentures require care, and cleaning, just as regular teeth do.

Most people do not realize it because they are made of synthetic materials, thus cannot rot. However, improper care would make them uncomfortable to wear. Additionally, you will suffer from bad breath.

Anyone who has dentures or is thinking about getting dentures should learn how to care for these synthetic teeth. Additionally, you should learn a few more facts to help you wear the dentures comfortably and proudly.

So keep scrolling for the top 8 things you should know about dentures. But first,

Why Do People Wear Dentures?

People often wear dentures to complete their smiles. You could lose your teeth due to old age, dental diseases, or impact. Dentures are an inexpensive solution that will help you achieve your smile when this happens.

Dentures also replace teeth that cause severe pain and other health issues. A surgeon can replace your troublesome teeth with dentures. They do not stand out, and you will be able to eat, drink, smile comfortably and confidently.

8 Things You Need To Know About Dentures

1. You have to observe oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene is just as important when you have dentures. Do not think that your brushing and rinsing days are over just yet. Dentures need proper cleaning to keep them looking good and healthy, like natural teeth.

Dentures can stain when you eat or drink items with artificial colors. Therefore, you need to brush your teeth regularly to avoid this. Additionally, you need to clean your dentures for your oral health. It will prevent bacteria build-up.

You will need a special toothbrush to clean your dentures since a regular one could harm your teeth. You will also need special cleaning paste. Ask your dentist for recommendations and stick to those products for oral hygiene.

2. Your diet may change for a while.

During the first few weeks of using dentures to eat, you will struggle. You need to take things slow, change your diet, and reintroduce foods a little at a time. But not to worry, everyone struggles in the first phases.

Start by only eating soft foods. You will practice how to bite and chew well. Remember to bite and chew small portions at a time. Additionally, you can keep small quantities on either side to help you maintain balance.

Broaden your diet as time passes. As you learn to control biting and chewing, you can graduate to harder foods. Soon enough, you will be back to your regular eating habits.

3. Dentures need practice.

Do not expect to eat, drink or speak naturally after you first get your dentures in. you will need a little practice. For starters, you will feel your dentures moving when you chew food. This is normal, and you should practice other chewing techniques to prevent this.

While speaking, your pronunciation of certain words will not be like before. This is because your tongue needs to adjust to your dentures. However, practicing should make you better at it. Practice reading out loud every day to improve your speech.

4. You have to remove your dentures.

Dentures are not supposed to sit in your mouth permanently. Experts insist on removing dentures if you are not using them. But some people forget or neglect to remove them. Unfortunately, keeping dentures in your mouth for too long will give you bad breath.

Additionally, you could develop receding gums. Some people also harbor bacteria that lead to dental diseases. Your gums need to breathe as well, so ensure that you take out your dentures every night. Additionally, clean your mouth well after taking out the dentures.

5. Dentures will feel uncomfortable at times.

Even if you have had them for a long time, dentures will sometimes feel uncomfortable. The primary discomfort you will experience will be when you first get dentures. You will get an alien feeling in your mouth.

You may also experience some mouth soreness and irritation. Putting in upper dentures can cause nausea as well. These are all regular and temporary problems. The more you wear your dentures, the less discomfort you will experience.

You could also visit a dentist to fit the dentures into the mouth’s soft tissues. This will ease discomfort and lower the chances of developing soreness.

6. You will need repairs and replacements.

After some time, the gums and bones underneath your dentures will shrink. Without natural teeth or dental implants, the bone does not remain as thick. When this occurs, your dentures will not fit as well.

You will experience irritation, soreness, poor eating techniques, and trouble with speech. Your dentures could sustain damage in other instances, causing the same problems. When this happens, please do not attempt to fix them.

Instead, visit your dentist for replacements that fit well. You will need refit and replacement after 1 or 2 years, so be sure to keep up with all your dental appointments.

7. Dentures need protection.

Just like natural teeth, dentures need adequate protection from impact. The impact can break or damage dentures. So you will have to invest in repairs or replacement so you can eat and smile again.

You can avoid this by being careful with your dentures. Protect them like you would your natural teeth, especially when playing sports or on outdoor adventures. Additionally, store them safely when you take them off.

8. Dentures are not for everyone.

And finally, dentures are not a solution for everyone. There are alternative options for people with missing teeth. Therefore, you do not have to get dentures. Additionally, you may not be eligible for them. Consult with your dentist to determine if dentures are the right solution for you.

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