Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It is one of the most common surgical procedures for the removal of wisdom teeth carried out around the world. The last teeth to come through the wisdom teeth grow at the back of your gums. The gums during the late teens or early twenties, the wisdom teeth, usually grow through. Usually, most people have four wisdom teeth one in each corner. There is not always enough room in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow properly, but the other 28 adult teeth will grow properly by this time. Due to lack of space, wisdom teeth that grow through like this are known as impacted, it can get stuck and only partially emerge or can sometimes emerge at an angle.

Wisdom tooth extraction procedure and complications

Removal of your wisdom teeth is not usually required unless they are impacted and causing any problem. It carries the risk of complications because there is no proven benefit in doing this. Wisdom teeth can cause problems to solve they have become impacted or have not fully broken through the surface of the gums. Wisdom teeth can get trapped around the edge for food and bacteria, causing a buildup of plaque which can lead to tooth decay, gums disease also called gingivitis, which is a periodontal disease. When plaque causes an infection of the soft tissue that surrounds tooth cellulitis, a bacterial infection in the cheek, tongue, or throat abscesses, a collection of pus in your wisdom teeth or the surrounding tissue as a result of a bacterial infection cysts and benign growths very rarely. A wisdom tooth that has not cut through the gum develops fluid-filled swelling for these problems can be treated with antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash. When other treatments have not worked, wisdom tooth removal is usually recommended.

Removal of Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth may be removed by your dentist or may refer to a specialist surgeon for hospital treatment. You may be asked to sign a consent form; the procedure will usually be explained to you before the operation. You will usually be given a local anesthetic injection to numb the area around the tooth. Before the tooth is removed, you will feel some pressure, as your oral surgeon or dentist must widen the tooth socket by rocking the tooth back and forth. Before it is removed, the tooth may need to be cut into smaller pieces. The removal of a wisdom tooth takes 10 to 20 minutes or sometimes even longer. After removing the wisdom teeth, you may have swelling and discomfort inside or outside of your mouth. Sometimes mild bruising is also visible. This is usually worse for the first three days, but can last up to 15 days.

Risk Associated with Wisdom Tooth Extraction

There are risks associated with removing a wisdom tooth, as with all possible complications of surgery. If you smoke during your recovery, these include infection or delayed healing, both of which are more likely. The other complication is a dry socket, which is a dull and aching sensation in your gum or jaw and sometimes a bad smell or taste coming from the empty tooth socket. You must follow after-care instructions given by your dentist. There is also a potential risk of nerve damage, it may cause sensations of lower lips, chin, teeth, and gums. This is usually temporary, but in rare cases it can be permanent.

What to expect during Wisdom tooth extraction?

Before removing the wisdom teeth, you will receive an injection of a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area. The dentist or surgeon may give you a sedative to help you relax if you are particularly anxious about the procedure. During wisdom tooth removal, general anesthetic is rarely needed, it is only occasionally used when the procedure is performed in a hospital. A small cut will be made in the gum to access the wisdom tooth to remove it if the tooth has not come through the gum. It may also be necessary to remove a small piece of bone that covers the tooth. Because the area will be numb you should not feel any pain as your wisdom teeth are removed. After surgery, if an incision has been made, dissolving stitches are used to seal the gum. The stitches take 7 to 10 days to dissolve, your dentist will tell you the actual time. Your dentist may place gauze on the extraction site and ask you to keep pressure on it by biting your jaws together for up to an hour. This allows a blood clot to form in the empty socket. Blood clots are part of the healing process, so try not to remove them. After removing your wisdom, you should avoid smoking, drinking hot liquids like tea, soup or drinking alcohol, or strenuous physical exercises.

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