Oral Health Must-Dos For Men

Multiple studies prove that periodontal diseases are more prevalent in men than women. Similarly, women are more than 8% more likely to brush their teeth twice daily than men, especially after eating meals.

With these statistics, it is no surprise that women have better oral health than men. But just because it is true does not mean it should remain this way. Men should learn to take care of their teeth better.

The article below seeks to outline some tips for men to follow to improve their oral health. Some are general tips that anyone can follow, while the others address the interesting actions that make men more prone to periodontal disease.

But first, have you ever wondered why women have better oral health than most men?

Why Men Have Poor Oral Health Than Women

As studies have continually proven, most men have poorer oral health than women. And why is that?

  • Men play contact sports more. Statistics show that men play contact sports more than women, which often leads to dental trauma. Broken and missing teeth are more common in men than women due to contact sports. Men play these sports with little regard for their teeth, and they, therefore, sustain a lot of dental injuries.
  • They also use their teeth as tools. It is not uncommon to find a man volunteering to open a soda bottle using their teeth. Or cut thread, tear a package, or even hold an item when their hands are full. Women do it too but not as often as men. This means they sustain more injustice to their teeth because these actions strain the jaw and damage the enamel.
  • Men consume more alcohol, especially binging. Men drink alcohol more frequently and in large amounts than women. Men are more likely to binge, and this consistency puts their oral health at risk. It makes them prone to dental diseases, including dry mouth, tooth decay, and mouth sores.
  • Men don’t see the dentist as often as women. And finally, women visit the dentist and keep up with appointments more than men. Studies show that most men only visit the dentist when they see it necessary– if they need a tooth extraction or have severe symptoms.

Tips For Men’s Oral Health

1. Learn about your family dental history.

A great way to get started taking care of your teeth is by learning about your family dental history. Additionally, learn about your general family health history; you could be prone to dental diseases associated with other hereditary conditions. For example, diabetes is linked to genetics and often affects oral health. Therefore, share your family health history with your dentist.

2. Visit your dentist more often.

Next, you need to visit your dentist more often. Experts recommend visiting the dentist at least twice a year. You may need a few more appointments if you have dental diseases and other issues. Ensure that you keep up with your appointments and find a licensed and experienced practitioner. Ask as many questions as you can about your oral health.

3. Limit smoking and drinking.

Smoking and drinking are lifestyle choices. And they have adverse health effects on your teeth. The acidity of alcohol erodes the enamel making them more prone to tooth decay. It also makes you dehydrated, giving you a dry mouth. Smoking has the same effects coupled with bad breath. Limit your intake of alcohol, and quit smoking and tobacco products. Drink more water to flush out the remnants.

4. Change your diet.

Next, you need to change your diet. Men often eat out, which does not always supply you with the best nutrients for optimum tooth health. Therefore, you should find ways to supplement your diet to nourish your teeth and gums. Drink less acidic drinks like energy drinks and soda. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Dairy products are also good for your teeth.

5. Floss more.

Flossing will give you cleaner teeth and reach where toothbrushes will not. Flossing at least once every 24 hours will prevent plaque buildup in your teeth. This prevents acidic formation on the teeth, which erodes the enamel and triggers tooth decay. It will also give you a more dazzling smile. While you are on it, consider tongue scraping to improve your breath.

6. Chew sugarless gum.

Chewing gum is great for your mouth, but you need to ensure it is sugarless. Sugar mixes with bacteria to coat your teeth and create an acid that erodes the enamel. This often leads to tooth decay and cavities. It can also cause gum disease. Chewing gums is good for saliva production, and saliva washes away bacteria and food particles. So ensure you get sugarless gum.

7. Get mouthwash.

Mouthwash will further improve your dental health. It can first prevent cavities, especially if you have a fluoride-infused product. Additionally, mouthwash is great for freshening your breath because it kills bacteria. If you have canker sores, mouthwash can also clear them up shortly. And you will always have a bacteria-free mouth. Ask your dentist to recommend a good mouthwash for these purposes.

8. Use a mouthguard.

You do not have to give up contact sports; you just have to be more careful. Get a helmet to protect your face and teeth if the play gets rough. You should always wear a mouthguard to prevent injury to your teeth. This will ensure your teeth don’t crack or break due to impact. It will also prevent injury to your tongue if you bite yourself by accident.

9. Drink more water.

Water is a better rink than energy drinks and carbonated beverages. Water can flush away bacteria and remaining food particles from your mouth. Drinking water can also dilute acids that erode your enamel, preventing decay and cavities. Always drink water after indulging in sugary carbonated drinks.

10. Buy a handy pocket knife.

And finally, consider a handy pocket knife to take over the duties of your teeth. You will find a wide selection of pocket knives on the market with additional tools to help you get through the day. Stop using your teeth to prevent breaking and chipping.

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